3D Animated Cartoons Inspire Young English Learners

Educational 3D Animated Cartoons

Imagine your 5-year-old daughter comes home from school feeling all excited about her English lesson. She’s talking about Ozzy the donkey, Sam the hippo, Pella the kangaroo and a host of other characters that come alive in the classroom. She’s looking forward to logging into an interactive, e-learning program in order to watch their adventures at home too.



Since motivation is one of the most important factors in foreign-language acquisition, we use the power of cartoons to make learning fun. We’re the only English teaching company to have developed 3D animations based on the stories and songs in our books! These cartoons are made for the Pre-junior and Junior levels, which are aimed at children from 4 to 5 years of age. Young students have got a short attention span, so they need a variety of stimuli to remain engaged in the lesson. What better way than a playful cartoon in order to capture their attention?

Furthermore, animated videos enable children to see communication in progress. The English language comes alive for them as they watch the expressions and gestures of the animated characters while listening to the voices of native speakers. Not only does the cartoon format add variety to our lessons, but it also helps teachers expand their techniques. They encourage the students to imitate the animated heroes and learn simple phrases while also having fun. Young learners love role playing, which is an excellent way to build new skills. By actively participating in cartoon-based activities, they can dramatically improve their listening, reading and speaking skills.


Studies have shown that the optimum age for language acquisition falls within the first ten years of a child’s life, that’s why it’s important to start learning English from a young age. The cartoons help children develop positive attitudes toward a foreign language and its speakers. It would be hard not to like our cute animal characters. Watching them on screen will lead students to identify with them easily and develop a love for English.

Animations are able to tell a complicated story in just a few images, while presenting new vocabulary and grammar in a lively and communicational way. They can make children laugh, but they can also stimulate discussion. The teacher can ask questions about the characters’ actions and feelings, guiding students to develop their thinking skills and emotional intelligence.

In a very short time, Ozzy and his friends have become extremely popular with our young English learners, having an immense impact on their progress. Our innovative teaching methods have made them happier and a lot more attentive. Watch the video – it’ll make you wish you had learnt English that way too!



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